Welcome to the Forever Marriage Blog

In this section we will discuss marital issues and provide relational skills to bring resolution effectively.

The Daily Temperature Reading

This exercise will help you and your spouse to stay connected. It will also help you  maintain an easy flow of communication about the big and little things going on in your lives. It initially takes about 15 minutes. At first this exercise may seem artificial and even a little hokey, but in time you’ll evolve your own style and in time that it is invaluable for staying close. Do it daily, perhaps during a meal. The fifteen minutes will turn into 30 minutes.

Follow these 5 steps.
1. Appreciation – take turns expressing appreciation for something your spouse has done. Thank each other.
2. New Information – In the absence of information, assumptions (often false ones) rush in. Tell your spouse something new, maybe about work. Let your spouse in on your life, and then listen to the news your spouse shares. Share what God is doing in your life. What has God been saying to you during your quiet time and prayer time.? 
3. Puzzles – Take turns asking each other something that you don’t understand but your spouse can explain. Example: “Why were you so down last night?” or voice a concern about yourself. Example: “I don’t know why I got so angry while I was balancing the checkbook yesterday.” 4. Complaint with request – Without being judgmental, cite a specific behavior that bothers you. State the behavior that you are asking for instead. Example: “When you clean the top pf the stove, please, dry it with a paper towel. If you don’t, it leaves streaks.”
5. Hopes – Share your hopes, from the mundane (“I hope we have sunshine this weekend”) to the grandiose (“I’d really love to spend a month in Europe with you.”) These simple steps will work for you, if you want to keep the channels of communication open.