Welcome to the Forever Marriage Network
The Network
The Network is comprised of trained marital coaches that are autonomous marriage ministries of like-mindedness and passion to provide Biblical marriage education through marriage coaching, marriage classes, and marriage seminars. The marriage coaches receive ongoing training through quarterly meetings. The network also provides a platform for marital coaches to encourage and share about their coaching experiences.
Marriage Coach
Marriage coaches come alongside another married couple to help them grow in oneness with God and each other. Marriage coaches are trained to provide Biblical guidance and healing through the Scriptures. They are trained to teach how to apply Scriptures to bring restoration in a marriage. They schedule to meet with the couple for as long as the couple chooses.
Marriage Mentor
A marriage mentor is a couple that through their marital experiences befriends another couple to provide Biblical guidance, encouragement, and emotional support. They will arrange a time and place to meet with the couple. Often they will meet for a meal at a restaurant or at their home. They are not trained to provide marital coaching.
Forever Marriage Network Coaches
Pastor Mike & Marcia Bloom, Forever Marriage Directors, Jackson, Mo.
Pastor Brent & Christy Horton, Scott City, Mo.
Dave & Sherri Wissehr, Advance, Mo.
Pastor Ronnie & Tammy McAtee, Advance, Mo.
Dustin & Cat Sharp, Poplar Bluff, Mo.
Pastor Aaron & Keri Boyd, McClure, Ill.
Jason & Ashley Cross, Jackson, Mo.